Awesome. I still believe this game is the best ORIGINAL platformer on ANY portable console.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land GB
I love this game. What more can I say.

I remember getting this game as a gift from my family as a present (whether it was a Christmas or a Birthday present, I'm not sure of though.) When I first started the game I said "Who's the dork with the mohawk?" I wanted Mario damn it! But after playing the first few levels, my critizisms went away. This was an amazing game. I then, and still now, prefer Wario over Mario any day. Especially how Mario...wait.


Especially how Mario steals Wario's statue of Princess Peach. I so wanted to beat up that jerk Mario! I can't believe he would stoop that low. And it was low man. Remember, this is the same person who uses MUSHROOMS (grown on a Ganja farm i'm sure) to grow taller. Great message for kids, stupid! Wario, on the other hand, eats Garlic to grow; which is much more respectable in my opinion (keeps away vampires, good on certain foods.) Anyway, pick this game up NOW. GO RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! (if you hate this game, then you are a complete dolt and shouldn't be allowed to play video games at all.)


Good fun & solid gameplay (don't forget innovative)

Fresh take on a stale genre (most GB platformers at the time were, besides Metroid, were dissapointing to some extent)

Fun level design & adorable enemies!!!

Interesting Mini-Games teaching good morals!

A) Chucking bombs at cute enemies is ok!
B) Gambling is very risky!

Also secret levels and treasure to unlock!


Seems too short (even though it isn't)

The pirate ship levels I don't particularly care for (that's just me I guess.)