Super Mario Galaxy sure did change the way we look at Mario games... by a whole lot.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
The game was exactly what Nintendo needed since they started to notice that Mario games were starting to lack originality, especially with the reboot of Super Mario Bros. WiiU and Super Mario Bros. 2. A lot of things felt good about this game, being the best 3D plat former there is of it's kind. Even though the game was lacking a good story, but then again it's a Mario game what do you expect, and the controls felt a bit wobbly, not all the time though. everything else felt pretty well, and challenging, no matter what you were doing they made sure you were going to die a lot, but that's what makes the game good, most games these days barely even try to make it a challenge, to me that's exactly what makes the game great feeling like your being challenged. So go slap it in your Wii and have the time of your life