Mario Galaxy is one of those games that comes around every 5 years, it's able to do everything perfect, and even more

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Super Mario Galaxy is the sequel to Super Mario Sunshine and as many have said, is the true sequel to Super Mario 64. Galaxy is able to add a whole bunch of variety and innovation while keepingit perfect, and making everything work so well, that the game becomes a masterpiece of masterpieces.

Super Mario Galaxy takes platforming, and adds something very cool to it; gravity and spherical worlds. Using gravity you can go anywhere, backwards, upside down, sideways, and the controls work very well and it makes the game feel so much fun and unlike anything you have ever played, it's just so fun.

A great thing about Galaxy is the Wii controls that were implemented, you will use them for various activities such as riding a ray, riding a ball, and do other things. You will mostly use it to collect stars too and it gives you more to do and adds to the depth of the game and also makes it feel more intuitive and just works so well.

After that you have the insane amount of variety, Mario Galaxy has more variety than almost any other game........EVER! You'll do so much in this game, from jumping around giant candy and ice cream, to running around moving platforms and memorizing where to go, to traveling from a world with spinning giant boulders, to a world that's full of a giant maze, to everything. You will never want to put this game down because of how fun it is from all the stuff you will be able to do and the game is simply an accomplishment in variety that will remain unmatched for decades.

There are also some side scrolling levels that only add to the variety and all the missions will have you explore every inch of a galaxy and it's shocking how well it all comes together.

Mario Galaxy's graphics and music, are simply amazing. The songs are so enjoyable to hear that you will never get tired of them, and will often dread not getting to hear them. The graphics are simply amazing, everything looks perfect and real, the worlds and bosses all look spectacular, and it all comes together so well, that it will just blow you away.

There's a co-op mode too, but it's only fun with a casual gamer and with a hardcore gamer it won't exactly be something exciting. The game also has lots of great power ups that are used well, but some such as Boo Mario will feel like they could have been used more and you will miss not getting to use them.

The story is same as all other Mario games, and it isn't a big of a focus, and that's fine, because you'll be too preoccupied on how new the game is, how much there is to do, and how fun it is.

Super Mario Galaxy, is just perfect. The game is able to incorporate so many features (Wii remote, Gravity) and use them all perfectly, feature more variety than any other game, have an incredible soundtrack and amazing graphics, and most of all, it focuses on fun, and provides one of the greatest experiences in any game......ever.

Final Score: 8.25 + Gravity (0.75) + Wii controls (0.50) + Music (0.25) + Variety (0.75) = 10.50 = lol = 10.00