Super Mario Galaxy sports an average Mario storyline, but has attractive graphics, stellar music, and is a blast to play

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Super Mario Galaxy is the game long awaited for the Wii. In fact, after the mixed reviews of Super Mario Sunshine, gamers want to see if Mario Galaxy is going to be truly the spiritual sequel to Super Mario 64. Well, Super Mario Galaxy is truly one of the greatest Mario platformers ever.

If you have played Mario 64, you should be right at home with this because of the storyline and game play. Instead of punching and kicking, you get to spin, with just a slight wiggle of Wii Remote. I must also announce that this game's gameplay is a lot more precise and easier to handle than Mario 64's. Controlling Mario and his new super-suits is extremely easy and very precise. Even though the gravity can hinder the controls only slightly. With visuals such as Mario Galaxy, it really amazes me how much my Wii console can actually show off. This game is gorgeous, and it really pushes the Wii, but it's a darn shame that we can't see the glory of these galaxies in pure HD quality. Music is the absolute best out of any Mario title. It is orchestrated so well. Not all of the music is instrumental, which was somewhat of a letdown, so much time went in to the soundtrack in this game. It's so great, you'll probably just stop and listen. How they bring back classic music from previous Mario titles in the game is really cool; they are remixes of the originals.

The game is flat out easy. That can be bad since it will not take long to accomplish beating Bowser. If you skip through the game, you will just be accomplishing the primary stars on your path, which takes about four hours at the least. But if you take time to explore and see what the game has to offer such as all of the secret levels and such, it can last longer, though, there are no secrets to be found except for the Grand Finale Galaxy and a secret character.>

Multiplayer is plain stupid. Unless you're someone who likes to point at the screen, while the other actually plays the game, then the multi-player is for you! But like most of us, we don't. I read that it was difficult to incorporate two players similar to the multi-player in Super Mario Bros. 3 and World. It is wonderful to see a two player option after 16 years, but they should have taken all the time they needed for it. No excuses.

Super Mario Galaxy is the game that will please almost anyone. Oh, and about the difficulty being too easy, it is just like that at the beginning, it somewhat gets more challenging later on.