Mario takes his adventure to the galactic level, and is one of the best Super Mario games ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
For anyone that has played Mario 64 this will feel very similar. Enter a level and collect a star then return to the 'world' map. Bowser is back to his old tricks, and Peach gets taken once again.

Gameplay 10- The whole concept of 3D levels is really neat and pulled off very well. Nintendo spared no thought in the creativity and design of the game's levels. At first running around on objects and spheres will play tricks on your mind and perhaps make you dizzy, soon that will pass as one enjoys some of the most innovative Mario platforming ever. Controls are solid and responsive. The camera can get annoying at times, but thankfully these moments are few.

Graphics 10- They may not be HD, but the game looks great regardless. In typical Nintendo style colors abound and are dazzling to the eyes. Enemies both old and new are scattered throughout the game. Galaxy is able to hold the 'cute' feeling well too as you explore.

Sound 9- A beautiful score wraps around your standard Mario sound effects, along with everyone's favorite plumber whom still hardly ever says an audible word.

Replay Value 9- It's possible to go through the game's story in only a couple days, but getting all the stars in the game is no small undertaking and a large accomplishment.

Fun Factor 10- I havent had this much fun in a Mario game since Super Mario World. One major downside is that the game is quite easy and I didnt feel challenged until right up to the end.

My Final Score- 48/50