The game is a sequel to the amazing Mario Galaxy!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Galaxy 2 WII
Here it is the second Mario game on the Wii, and this one is amazing to say the least. I think it's better then one, but it is a sequel and it does have a lot from one so I'm not going to give it a 10 like everyone else does. Even with that being said the game is awesome, and if you never played one it is a lot better then the first one for you. The reason I say it's not is because you will feel the same magic as one you have already felt it once, and now you will experience it again. It is a amazing game and it is a force to be reckoned with, and if you never played a Mario 3D title before this is a great one to start. You will have a blast, and will fall in love with the game. The games is gorgeous in every way and getting on Yoshi again makes you nostalgic.

Verdict - Mario Galaxy 2 is better then one in every way, but you will feel a lot of the same thing or experiences playing this game. The game is another must have for the Wii . With all that being said I give it a 9 out of 10.
Never played one 10 out of 10!