This is the game duo that hooked me onto videogames for good.

User Rating: 8.3 | Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt NES
I remember the day when I first played this game. I believe that I was 5 years old and my brother got the Nintendo Entertainment System for his birthday. I watched him play Super Mario Bros. when I had a chance, then I got into it. At first, I sucked at it pretty bad. After a little while, I got the hang of it and I made it to level 1-2 and then I died again. Go figure! I yelled at the game because I kept dying before the end of level 1-2. Then after a while I got through it. As the levels went on, they got much harder and yes it involved more floating platforms that I kept missing. Eventually, I made it to the final level and beat Bowser after maybe 20 tries and with many tears in the process. As for the Duck Hunt game, I played it for a little while and then I got bored. The flying discs did not make much of a difference either. Overall, I enjoyed Mario Bros. more than Duck Hunt, hence my 8.8 rating.