User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
Only the 2nd game I will ever rank a 10! The first one being Doom2 for PC. But this game single handedly revolutionalized the gaming world. It not only made Nintendo a POWER HOUSE, but it created a world of gaming fans. No matter who you talk to ... 13 year old boys, to 46 year old woman, they all same the same thing .. they loved Mario 3. I loved it because my sister and I played it for years and years. The one game we both can play together. It was fun with friends and it was fun single player. the graphics are sweet at the time, the music decent, but its the gameplay and the atmosphere it created that gave this game one of the greatest gaming experiences. I just can't say enough on how much this one game changed my life. and we can all say that. maybe not the kids now these days but anyone in their 20's right now can testify that they were Mario kids!!!