Arguably the best Mario game of all time comes to the Wii.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
Yeah, its all in the description, this is a near-flawless emulation of the old NES classic game that will go down in the hearts of all those who have played it as one of the best Mario games of all time.

- Excellent Emulation with almost nothing lost
- Almost all types of controller types are supported
- Excellent Level Design
- Satisfyingly Challenging
- Will bring back memories of the good old days
- An unbelievable value at only $5

- Can get a little too challenging at times

Story: 10/10
This is what its all about, Mario going to save Princess Peach, if it were anything else, it just wouldn't be Mario

Sound: 10/10
The exact same thing as the original game, all of the music really adds to the experience and its all fairly catchy

Controls: 10/10
All of the controller types are supported here with the sideways wiimote to the game cube controller. Everything handles perfectly

Graphics: 10/10
By today's standards, these are excellent, they are classic, and it just wouldn't feel the same if they were much different.

Difficulty: 8/10
The only thing that isn't perfect about the game, It does get insanely hard, but it does make it all the more satisfying in the end

Presentation: 10/10
Everything just gives it that classic feel, its like what they would say "A Blast From the Past"

Gameplay: 10/10
My favorite part of the game, the feel of it is excellent, Mario can still jump like 15 feet in the air, and the level ups are satisfying. Everything is flawless

"Fun" Factor: 10/10
Awesome, everything is fantastic in every aspect except for the difficulty. Its hard to find a word that overstates how much fun you will have with this game.

Should I get it?
Well with the $5 price tag, you have no reason to not get it. Or in other words, if you have a wii, and you don't have this game, then get it.