Super Mario Brothers 3 is a true classic - standing the test of time as a game that is playable from start to finish.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
Released all the way back in 1990 - Super Mario Brothers 3 was a popular game for its time - and being the second sequal to a gaming series which now sports a gaming icon - there was a lot of pressure on Nintendo to create a game that was befitting to the name. Be assured - they have done just that. This is the NES's finest hour. Super Mario Brothers 3 doesn't have much of a story. There is the same quest of "saving the princess" from the clutches of the evil King Koopa and his mountain of children. You must make your way through many levels scattered throughout the Mushroom Kingdom in order to get to the Princess. Throughout this all - you are left with a game that is just so playable. If you are familiar with Mario - and there is barely a gamer who isn't - than this is just a polished version of what has come before. More enemies - more powers, but most importantly - the placement of all has been granted a game that just feels perfect on every level. The graphics amazingly hold well today. At the time of writing this - the gaming community is on the cusp of releasing next generation consoles like Xenon and Playstation 3. Nintendo themselves are releasing the Revolution. Yet - despite this, this 8MB game has as much eye candy as anything else that has been released after. Graphics are layered - with a cartoon look and feel. Mario himself looks great - as so the enemies and numerous bosses you will eventually face. Sound is also done superbly - using every last drop of power available on the NES. Music is catchy - with simple tunes that give a nostalgic feeling. Effects are of the suitably simple type - but each has their place. Levels like the foreboding "Ghost ship" have some amazingly edgy music - that give a feeling of suspense. This heightens the atmosphere - and is a break from the generally tame feeling of the other levels. Gameplay is suitably refined. This is the best platforming available - in fact I personally think it is the best ever. Just how each level gives you enough incentive and enough difficulty - everything in the game is heavily balanced. It feels perfect. Overall - the game feels perfect. It has the best platforming action ever made possible, is one of the most bought games ever, and it is a lot of fun to play. This is the first game I've ever awarded a 10 too - and it is fitting, giving this is my 50th review. Purely playable platforming bliss. Get this if you can.