SMB2 is the odd stepchild in the Mario family, but despite being different and quirky, this is a masterpiece

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario USA NES
Well it has been a long time since I have written a review on here. So what better place to start than writing a review for a 20 year old classic form the NES. Of course not many people will read it, but that is really not why I am write these anyway, it is to stay sharp.

Super Mario Bros. 2 is the odd stepchild in the Mario family, but despite being different and quirky, this is one game that truly stands the test of time. It is just different than every Mario game out there.

The good, The Bad, The Interesting –

The Good – While this game doesn't reach the top of most Mario fans lists, I would argue that if it was not released under the Mario tag it would still be one of the most popular games on the system. In this game you get the choice of character – Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach – all who have different qualities that make game play easier. While, much of the game is a side scrolling left to right game, there are levels that having going up (not and overhead view, but actually going up using vines) and other levels where you have to side scroll to the right to only find out that you then must make your way back in the other directions. It is so unique and different from other games from this time. This could be the reason that it wasn't as widely popular as some other Mario titles. Regardless of popularity it is a game that should be in any NES fans collection.

The Bad – I cannot really say that there is a serious downfall in this game. If I had to get picky I would say that there are only 2 continues offered per game, and until you do beat the game it can be frustrating. However it is a game that once you beat seems to come much more easily. Still there is plenty of replay value, because there are items and warps in each world that you most certainly will miss, and even after beating it there is always the challenge of trying to beat it using different characters, or not using any of the warps. All in all there isn't anything disappointing about the game.

The Interesting – This game is released in the United States under the title Super Mario Bros 2. It was originally a game from Japan called – "Doki Doki Panic" or in a loose translation – "Heart Thumping Panic: Dream Factory" Most people are now aware of this, and there is a more standard Mario Bros 2 (the lost levels) that is available for download on the wii's virtual console. Like I said this is really no secret, but does explain why the game is really not like anything else from the series.

Overall this game is way too underrated. It is a guilty pleasure for me, and I urge people to look at it without the Mario tag. When people look at the Mario label, they expect something revolutionary. This one really doesn't offer that revolutionary aspect, but is truly fun in its own right. Don't get caught up in what the game is not, focus on what it is. A unique, addicting, masterpiece, for a system that is filled with great games – somehow this one just gets overlooked.

It will probably never happen, but a retro style game that has the same style would be a welcome site to a new Nintendo system.