This isnt Mario, more like Doki Doki Panic...

User Rating: 6 | Super Mario USA NES
It actually isnt a true mario game, Miyomoto was working on a game called "Doki Doki Panic" that was just released in japen, but slapped marios face on it and released it in the americas only to betray and mislead us.

Knowing that it isnt a Mario game is a huge let down, but its still a fairly decent game, Basicly everything from a mario game isnt there.

The entire formula is scrambled, the bigest thing different is the way you 'kill' enemies. You cant crush them with your body wieght, you pick up a turnip or another enemy and throw it at one of them. Another thing that i found odd when i was playing it, the levels aren't classic mario, from one end to the other, left to right. But in this game, you into caves, jump into the clouds, run on the clouds for a while, go back down into a cave. This is a more complex level design thats a bit of an annoyance. it looks pretty good, its just the way the level is laid out.

Overall this is a standard platformer but falls short of greatness