Calling this a Mario game is pushing it. You can't jump on enemies or do anything like SMB. Then why is it so awesome???

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario USA NES
"Calling this a Mario game is pushing it. You can't jump on enemies or do anything like SMB. Then why is it so awesome???"
Because it is different!! This game might have been a disappointment in 1988, but not now. Throwing enemies, while weird, is actually very fun! Pros: Damn fun for a while! A little different.
4 Playable characters.
Good Music.

Cons: Might be a disappointment for people looking for another Super Mario Bros. 3...

This game also puts up a sincere challenge! I noticed when climbing up vines, your character has a tendency to fall off. Beware! The best controller is the Wii Remote turned sideways because of it's similarity to the original NES controller. If you're looking for an interesting Mario title, at 500 Wii Points, this is a steal.