4 Mario games in one cartridge redone beautifully.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Collection SNES
Super Mario All-Stars is an ode to the Mario games of the NES era. All of your favorite Mario games are here... SMB 1,2 and 3. And if that's not enough they also added The Lost Levels. The Lost Levels is done in a similar fashion as the first Super Mario Bros.
The graphical upgrades are nicely done and give renewed life to the games. The music is also redone beautifully and sounds great coming out of the SNES. Another feature added to game is saving. The original games did not have the option to save and everything had to be done in one sitting. Of course that added to the challenge of the game, but with the save states, you can just pick and play from right where you left off.
Overall this game brings greater appreciation to the classic Mario games and touch ups are a great addition. If you loved Mario on the NES, then you owe yourself to pick up this collection.