the best thing nintendo ever did for mario games

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Collection SNES
This game is a 4 in 1 game with: Super Mario Bros. 1,2,and 3 plus USA(SMB 2 IN AMERICA)each are different and all are addictive

SMB1: a much better version than on the NES,you can save,better music,and if you play 2 players it switches after you beat a level(very useful if you have a friend who wants to beat the game with 1 life)

SMB2: a harder version of part one and for hardcore fans who'll even have hell with this game.its more of a puzzle find a hidden block or you might have to switch between brothers since Mario is all speed and Luigi is jumping but this will be the hardest game u play

SMB3: the best on the game,a much different game from 1 and 2 with like 8 power-up types to help you.this is the game mario is most known on,it has the best music,levels,storyline and most stages than the others,you can also fly with the raccoon suit

SMB USA: most people here recognize it part 2,you cant hurt enemies by stepping on them,you hit them with vegatables the strangest on here so most people will ignore it but is good,hasgood music and is better than on gameboy for sure

if u play mario games check this one out