This is worth getting for Super Mario Bros 3 alone! 8 Bit gaming revamped in 16 Bit glory! A MUST BUY!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World SNES
As a Sega fan boy back in the day I did have one weakness to sway me to the dark side of the big N. Mario. It was to me the only missing link that Sega lacked to round off the big blue. Sure Sonic the Hedgehog was cool, fast, lean and mean. But there was something about the genius behind that was Mario that kept you coming back to find all those hidden little power ups, shortcuts and new levels.

So while still working for Sega I was one of the first to buy a SNES (from Brashes to give you Aussies a true idea of how long ago this was!) and I brought the SNES into the Sega hotline to show off what our competitors had to offer. Apart from Street Fighter 2 it was Mario that had us hooked. But once we had ripped Super Mario World apart we wanted to see what Mario's past titles were about. Enter Super Mario All Stars. All the NES Mario outings in one, slick, cool presented box. Every game had been brought up to date and given the 16 bit treatment. Graphics, sound and music had been revamped and done rather well too! The back drops really did add a new depth to the previously scarce looking titles to perhaps bring Mario out in the way Shigeru had originally envisioned. Truth be known you'll be spending most of your time on either the original Super Mario Brothers game (now with a theme song unlike the bland original) or with Super Mario Bros 3 which remains one of the greatest games ever to have been released.

Most 16 bit games show their age really badly in todays world of flashy 3D HD graphics. But here's a title worth dusting off that SNES for and giving another marathon run on! PERFECT FIVE STARS!