Even today, it's still one of the greatest ever.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario 64 N64

Very few games have stood the test of time in the way that "Super Mario 64" has. While a number of games come along and provide an "innovative" and "revolutionary" experience, it's not uncommon that some of them age very poorly. "Super Mario 64," however, has aged wonderfully and to this day, it still stands as one of the greatest video games of all time. With graphics that still hold up decently, extremely fun gameplay, wonderful level design, amazing controls, and a tremendous amount of content and variety, "Super Mario 64" continues to stand tall in the gaming world as one of the best titles of all time, and it's incredible to think that the game can still run circles around a number of modern 3D platformers. If you haven't gotten the chance to play this fantastic game...well, what are you waiting for? Go play it now!

Final rating: 10 out of 10 "Fantastic"