A fun and challenging game that will have you saying "one more time" all night long.

User Rating: 8.5 | Chou-Makai-Mura SNES
I have always loved this game. I used to play it in an old arcade full of older games, and loved it. Yes, it is hard. If you doubt it's difficulty, you are in for a rude awakening. But, that's what makes it fun. As you play, you find ways to get just a little further each time. You do things and think, "oh had I only had my armor..." or "Had I just jumped a little sooner.." and you find yourself continuing every time.
One aspect of the game that adds a lot is its obvious charm. The soundtrack is very good, and is full of catchy tunes, a few of which may just end up in your head. The graphics are great for the era, all the characters well designed, and full of personality.
One thing that I would say makes this the definitive version is that on the Wii you won't have to start all over every time. You can stop and return to where you left off without too much hassle, so it's a lot less frustrating when you have to put your attention elsewhere.
It will take you about an hour or two just to get halfway through level one, but having success in this game is a fun and satisfying experience.