One of the best games on the SNES.

User Rating: 8.6 | Chou-Makai-Mura SNES
S GnG is a real gem in my opinion. I still remember the first time I played it, the remixed music score from GnG together with the incredible graphics made a huge impact on me back then. Unfortunately I had rented it so i never got very far. Games back then were really expensive so it wasnt untill a couple of years ago that i finally bought it, second hand, for a reasonable sum.

Though it wasnt as immersive as it was back then, I found that the gameplay held up well. The 2D-graphics still look beautiful, and the music is still better than moste games of today.
To me this game is a real classic, its still fun going back to now and then, and theres something very likeable about it, it has a very special atmosphere which sets it aside from the rest.

Somewhere I will always hope Capcom makes a sequel in 2D to this game, on a stationary console. If they converted the PSP-game to PS2 i would be the first one to buy it.