A fun underappreciated game.

User Rating: 7.7 | Super Dodge Ball Advance GBA
Super Dodge Ball Advance for the GBA is one of those fun title's that just go unnoticed.

[Game Play] - A two-on-two team Dodge Ball affair. You get about four people leading the field while three players are set to the side lines(For each side). Each character has their own special move they can unleash any time in the game, whether it be an aerial special or a ground one. You have a free play option, as well as a championship option, to take your selected team into the Big Leagues and play to win. Cool unlockable teams are present as well. You can customize your Team names, and even the players' names as well. Statistical customization is also present, meaning you can have one player excel at defense, or another at offense.

[Graphics] - Fun anime-style characters, very colorful rings, makes you think you're playing a SNES game. It really shows off GBA capabilities.

[Sound] - Each tune corresponds with the ring you play in. They are great tunes that will get stuck in your head.

[Overall] - It probably is'nt everyone's cup of tea, but it is a blast to play. If you think you might be interested, try finding this one in the bargain bin.