A hidden gem of tactical warfare.

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Conflict: The Mideast SNES
This is a truely unique game. It is a sequel to the original NES version at too be honest as a bit much for the time, but on the SNES it fits in just right. So how to explain this one... well here it goes.

Its a turn based tactical game. The objective is too destroy the opposing forces flag tank, sounds simple enough right? LOL.. ya...well the more army the opposing forces has, the stronger the flag tank is. But the same goes for you as well, so its up too you and your tactics to get around the enemy do enough damage and take out the flag tank.

Again, its al turn based and you have a small variety of troops and tanks on each side. Gun men, Commandos equipped with rocket launchers and tanks with a variety of strength in guns. Your troops are in cluster on the "board" as well as each tank. You have a range that you can move around within each move and its pretty generous on how much movement you have within each turn. Now, you can only move each cluster of either troops or tank once per turn as well as use each once to battle the enemy with. So you can make one move and one battle per unit per turn. I know that sounds complicated but playing it out is so much easier than explaining it, LOL! Make every battle and move count, cause if your plan fails, the computer will take its turn and finish you off.

Now doing damage is as simple as what kind of forces are fighting who. Obviously your gunners are no match for their tanks, but rocket launchers are great for finishing off heavilly damaged tanks! See you have too be tricky like that, but be careful, when you attack, they defend. They will fire back at you and not always but sometimes they will hit you, and possibily take you out in the process if your forces are too weak.

So here's the deal, make the right moves, protect your flag tank, take out a nice chunk of their army so that weakens the strength and defensive of their flag tank so you can finish it off! Just remember you dont have to completely destroy they're army but take enough of them out, because if you dont.... you will attack a flag tank that is too strong for you too take out in one round, the flag tank will damage you in defence and the enemy armies will surround you and take you out when its they're turn.

This game is great for anyone who ever wanted to play a tacticle war game without all the difficulties that some of them provide. Its definately one of the under appericiated games for the SNES and did not get the dues it deserved. Its worth like 10 bucks online used, give it a shot and you won't be disappointed. :)