Remember the arcade game 'Dragons Lair' were you have to use quick time to play? we'll this is nothing like it.

User Rating: 1.5 | Sullivan Bluth Presents: Dragon's Lair NES
This has got to be the most frustrating games i have ever played.
The original Dragons lair was nothing more but a whole quick time movie were you controlled Dirk the Daring and helped him rescue a princess from an evil dragon.
After the arcade release it was followed up with another squeal called Dragon lair 2 and home console versions of of the first were also released too.
one of the many consoles it was ported to was the NES, but since the NES was incapable to handle the games motion picture, it was then made into a sidescroller and you would think that a knight rescuing a princess would make decent sidescroller. but no, it didn't.

as i started playing the first level the game looked decent enough. the animation on Dirk looked pretty decent for 8-bit, it had a pretty big life bar and a decent amount of lives.
i saw a dragon and tried killing it but it wasn't until i got hit with the fireball that i realized one thing, everything kills you with one hit. literally everything.
i then jumped over the dragon and tried going inside the castle, but no, the god-damn door killed me too.
i then tried standing on the bridge and tried killing the dragon, but no, the bridge fell apart and killed me.
i then later found out that i was suppose to kill the dragon in order to open the gate. once you done that, you are finally treated to another level, but this is where the game gets on your nerve as there are more gates that kill you, spiders, snakes and rocks.
there is also this frog person that appears every once so often, but he doesn't kill you, he only takes a little bit of life from you life bar. its nice that there is something that doesn't kill me, but whats the the point of having one if everything kills you with one hit.

as i progressed through the second level, i came across a boss fight (that's right, a boss fight) against a giant snake. this is the part were i gave up and stopped playing.