
User Rating: 8.6 | Suikoden V PS2
Its not as good as Suikoden 1 & 2, but its ok, for the first few hours is pretty boring, theres hardly any action at all....after while it starts to pick up, after you finally get your own castle and start to finally take charge, I just hit that point, I hope you can customize the castle like on the old ones, Enough about those, why can't I move the camera angle on this one? why did they put 3d chars on 2d terrain? and why in gods name are the 'wars' in real time? when your trying to move people in to a defensive stance in the town and you have to scroll up the map to move the boats, while your moving the boats the camera jets back down to the town where your guys are in a fight, ok I dont care...I tried to get up to the boats to move them alittle...nope the camera jumps back down to the town to show me a fight, ok seriously I dont care about the fight I NEED to move my boats in to position, try to scroll up to the boats again, nope camera moves back down to the village. Gah!! but thats really the only frustrating thing I've noticed, oh and how about that archers are stronger than calvary but weaker then infantry......wouldn't the calvary just run right through them and the infantry take along time to get to them, so the archers would be able to shoot them more? I couldn't stand the music either *shudder*.