Its ok, but only for those who are into the RPG genre, or suikoden fans.

User Rating: 8.3 | Suikoden III (Konami the Best) PS2
Again, the 108 stars, you gather them, which is pretty much the sidequest here shines, and thats pretty much it. But the story itself which is deep and well sought out for, if youve played the previous games since some might not be able to get some references because they relate to the previous 2 suikodens. Again the war scenario comes back, but more like a chess like way. Item hunting is almost not possible, tere are some bonus bosses, but pretty much easy to take down if you overlevel them. Konami's flagship RPG series has gone down a bit low on this 3rd installment, but not very low. just a bit, since the expectations were high, playing as several characters perspective is great in seeing the storyline, but its not as confusing since they all meet up somehow in the end. Aside from that, suikoden 3 should be a great addition to one's RPG library, be warned though, i would recommend this only to those who are into the RPG genre, or die hard suikoden fans since there probably the only one's who can appreciate this game at all.