Not quite Suikoden II but pretty close!

User Rating: 8.5 | Suikoden III (Konami the Best) PS2
Suikoden III is a very good game; not great, but still good. Of all the Suikoden games I've played, this one comes closest to Suikoden II. The three different story lines is a bit frustrating. You start off with one player, play through three chapters with them and then have to switch off to a brand new character (complete with brand new character stats, i.e. crap). I suggest playing everyone's chapter one then chapter two and so one. Don't go all the way through or this game will be very frustrating. The lottery system is great. The fact that there is a way for a diligent player, if they choose, to make money and or to completely avoid hacking. I also liked the way players level up. I am always excited to get to a trainer and see what I can level up. This is a feature that is not in Suikoden IV and that is really too bad. All in all, this game doesn't have the feel of the Suikoden II world which is really a shame. But all things considered, this was a solid follow up to Suikoden II.