Amazing gameplay!

User Rating: 9.2 | Suikoden III (Konami the Best) PS2
I will remind everyone that I'm giving any details about the story or plot. That's just the way I do my reviews :) Gamplay and Story: There are 3 main characters, and as you play through the game, you have the choice to play as each. So you constantly see the story from every angle. This is a really fun part of the game. The story also moves a little slow at first, but trust me, it'll pick up it's speed. Also the battles are a bit hard to get used to at first and also move a little slow. They also tend to be a bit hard, so don't think you're in for a easy game. Also expect to be training and leveling up quite a bit. But while your doing this you might not want to stray to far from a town, because like I said your not going to have it easy in this game. But the game is not overly hard, just enough for a good challenge. Also, aside from regular battles, you will have strategy battles. This is very different. You really have to use your head for these. They tend to be quite tough. But once again, it's nothing you really can't handle. Graphics and sound: The graphics are really cute. They always remain very fresh, and I don't really see anything to wrong with them. You'll also have some anime cuts in this game in place of CG. This is a great option for this game because it does have that anime feel to it. The music and sound also have that anime feel to it. All songs are very original. Not GREAT, but original none the less. Summery: Tends to be a bit hard, but it's not so hard you can't beat it. Everything is well done even though the story moves a bit slow at first. Though I have to say that this game is not for everyone. It mixes many different elements to it's gameplay. Some may or may not like that. But in my opinion, it's an amazing game that is worth a play.