A great action game, with touches of RPG, that peaks out in the graphics.

User Rating: 8.6 | Sudeki PC
This is quite a great game! When i first tried it out, the first thing that came in to my head was "This game looks a lot like Final Fantasy VII".

I must say that i really enjoyed playing Final Fantasy VII on the PC, it was, back on the old days, one of the best and most innovative games in this genre. It felt like you where playing a console game right on your PC.

Now, imagine the same kind of game, the same fun and addiction, but whit graphics that surpass those of the old game in any aspect you could think, graphics that will put your graphic card crying for a brake. On top of all that, imagine that the characters of the game look like those you'll find on a "Manga" movie and you got a idea of what Sudeki really is.

But the game is not perfect, it as some mistakes that could've been softened. On of those's is the sometimes incorrect positioning of the camera . Sometimes you are fighting with a horde of enemies and the camera quickly change's position and you loose them. In those precious seconds you're slashed like a peace of cheese on a "pizzeria".

The story plot isn't so good also, but those of you that enjoy a Manga movie are already accustomed to that. Sometimes you loose the meaning of why are you fighting for. But what a ell, whe just want to kick ass, and keep on hacking and slashing. Games like Doom and Quake (the first ones) did not had a storyline too and we just loved them.

The controls are easy to use, and as the game progresses you unlock new movements for each character. This is another cool touch: you control in fact four different characters, each of them with unique specialization (like magic, stealth, long range killings and brute force) and combo moves.

The worlds are the most impressive thing about this game. Its a luxury of colours and life, and there's a lot of NPC to interact with, which gives a touch of RPG to this action game. I think we can say that this is an Action RPG.

The sounds could be better but are not so bad at all. The music is melodic when you are wandering around, and become more alive when the action begins. The characters voices are good to, and the texts are well constructed.

If you like a game that will give you tons of action, and don't want to thinks a lot about the meanings of why you are doing whatever you're doing, this is the game for you.