The very first Sudden Strike game was placed on my desktop a decade ago. It has never been deleted since then...

User Rating: 10 | Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory PC
Let me get one thing clear to you guys. This game is something that maybe does not sound too good from reviews, maybe the pictures aren't that fascinating. But when you start your first mission, you'll not stop until you beat the whole thing. It GROWS ON YOU! Yes, it has some minor bugs but they will not spoil your game experience... The critics say the control is bad too. But think about it. The game like sudden stricke does not have to have good controls. Not being able to control everything at once makes the game harder and more interesting...
But don't look at the bad sides on the game. Sudden Strike 3 introduced many new units, improved graphics, and so on. As the reviewers from Gamespot said, those pieces get put together and form something more you did not expect. Something you don't want to miss...
So go and get the game!