This game sucks! Hey General Matt Shut your pie hole.

User Rating: 4.1 | Stuntman PS2
Same as every one else i bought it really cheap but i thought it would still turn out to be a good game. Then i played the very first level and it turned out to be a very very sucky game. It was as borning as listening to the teletubies on T.V. Now thats Bad! Oh and by the way i have a little sister if any of you guys are making fun of me out there. Well anyways i hated the game very much so and i recommend anyone who wants to buy to rent it first. The part that i hated most about it was the gameplay.It was very confusing. ????????? By the way General Matt is actually my metrosexual brother who thinks he knows everything. Believe me he's a joke, so don't bother to listen to what he has to say. There's no point to.
