A challenge that only the most hard core gamers will be up to, with addiction driven by perfectly crafted level design.

User Rating: 8.9 | Stuntman PS2
Have you ever wandered what it'd be like to make a movie, well, your answer's still won't be answered, but your itching for an actual challenge will be thoroughly be fulfilled. Stunt Man, obviously pits you in the seat of a stunt driver, trying to perfectly meet the director's seemingly infinite budget, and I emphasize the word perfectly, you'll find yourself retrying the same movie for countless tries, sometimes in ten hour fragments as you progress. Each scene will play out by telling you where to turn and what to do at all times, making it easier to memorize the hairpin turns, jumps, traps, and timings that you'll need to nail down tight before passing with a rank worthy of movie status. A nice touch after finishing each movie, is the trailer that you get to watch, all with cut scenes from the replay of your completed scene, with some other storyline laying cinema laid into the mix. You'll be ranked on how well you performed the movie scene, which surprisingly works extremely well; when something looks downright awesome, it's inevitable that you'll be rewarded for it. The ranking system is extremely innovative, and is unmatched by any ranking system for any game I've ever set eyes on. Also laid into Stunt Man are the little Evil Kanevil like challenges that allow you to jump the 13 buses Evil Kanevil did, use NOS to race around a humongous loop, or put you in the front seat of a monster truck, making you hone your skills at racing and smashing cars at the same time.

The graphics in Stunt Man aren't picture perfect, but the sheer amount of stunts each movie's scene has you race through will have a variety of effects that are sure to make you wide eyed more than once in almost every movie. With parts breaking off and sliding across the road, bricks flying, wood pieces erupting into the air, pillars exploding, and much, much more, you'll definitely notice the artistic realism that Stunt Man offers. The sound doesn't fail here in most cases, with movie melodies that get the job done, though will get annoying based on the fact that you'll be replaying each movie a ridiculous amount of times. Each movie is like a whole new experience, which allows for many sounds to be heard here, with some what of a movie theater, action movie, blockbuster hit quality.

Stunt Man drops a completely original formula into any PS2 library. The only deciding factor is if you’re game enough to not walk away from Stunt Man with a furious rage of defeat. As only, and I repeat only those looking for a great challenge will find the will to venture deep into what Stunt Man really offers, an amazing thrill-ride for the ages.