Amazing game. Very innovative, very well done, and very fun.

User Rating: 8.9 | Stuntman PS2
Stuntman is just all out fun. From graphical standpoint to its unbelievable game-play Stuntman is one of my favorite driving games. Graphic wise the game doesn’t have any big problems. It looks great, the cars, the scenery, and even the pedestrians. All the cars in this game look great, from the super fast sports cars to the beat up destruction derby cars. And what I find great is that even the civilian’s vehicles that you pass through-out a scene are done or look just like your cars do. They don’t look like they were pushed to the side in the graphics department like some driving games. I mean don’t you just hate games where you can be driving a beautiful Lamborghini down a highway where all the other cars look like polygon cardboard boxes!? It’s just something that I personally noticed and appreciate. The sound is great too from the games music to its engine noises. The music is great in the fact that if you are playing a James Bond rip off movie then you’ll here nice James Bond rip off music. That applies for all the movies, which is a nice touch that makes the game feel a little more, real. Also, the engine sounds are great too, from the roar of a Monster Truck to the purr of a sports car the engine sounds seem like they’re right where they’re supposed to be. All of this really ads a lot to the overall experience of the game. Ah yes, the game-play. This is where the magic happens, where the real, real good parts of the game come out. Stuntman has a very unique and original style. As you could probably have guessed by the title you are the stuntman. In career mode you are the stuntman performing the stunts from many different movies. For every movie you play there is about 3-4 scenes that you do. None of the movies are real ones though as you might have noticed from when I mentioned "James Bond - ". But don't get me wrong, none of the movies seem dumb or cheesy, and most of them are pretty much knock-offs of famous movies or something like that. For example, there's a movie called, A Whoopin' and a Hollerin'. Which is obviously a good ol' Dukes of Hazzard spoof. There are others like James Bond and Indiana Jones as well. But every movie is done really well and the scenes are extremely fun. The same goes for the cars, none of them are actuall name brand cars, but you can easily tell what they're supposed to be, and they all look cool and are great to drive. Right from the start the game demands perfection and forces you to drive like a stuntman. Of course that’s not very hard since there’s a director guy yelling at you telling you what to do. And there are symbols and signs along the way that tell you what to do, where to stop, when to hit the nitrous, and so on. In almost every stunt there is a different big finish that calls for great timing and . One mistake usually forces you to do the scene over. Stuntman is very fun, and it’s also very hard. You have to decide which one out weighs the other on your own. For me I think the game is too fun, yes it’s hard but I love a good challenge. Even when you fail a scene it still doesn’t get so frustrating or so hard that you feel like trading the game. That would only happen if you were stuck on the same scene forever, which won’t happen if you’re a good gamer. Overall the career mode is tons of fun and should be challenging for the best of gamers. But there is also as stunt constructor mode, which lets you build your own arena filled with ramps, and smash-ables like buses or stacks of cars that you have unlocked by beating scenes in career mode. It also lets you run the course with any cars that you’ve unlocked so far. Stunt constructor is fun and keeps you interested in the game when you’re getting tired of career mode. The only real problems I can find with this game is that in stunt constructor mode you have a limited amount of stuff you can use. Which wouldn’t be bad, but they only let you use like 10 things. Also, the explosions in this game are kind of weak. Most of them don’t look to great and they don’t damage your car or anything. The games controls are nice too, and it doesn't take long to be able to handle the car you're driving. Overall Stuntman is a great game with tons of replay value. If you're a veteran gamer who loves a challenge, or you love driving games, this one is for you.