Stuntman Ignition brings the thrills and chills from the original, but without the blistering difficulty.

User Rating: 8.5 | Stuntman: Ignition X360
The original Stuntman is probably one of my favorite games to come out in the early days of the Playstation 2. My friends and I literally spent hours playing the game since it was so damn difficult. Many people could infact say that that is what was the downfall of the original, the fact that it was way too hard. Well THQ listented to complaints and now Stuntman is back and more fun than ever.

Stuntman Ignition has you starting out as a entry level stunt man trying to make his way to the top. There are six movies that you star in throughout the game and in each scene you earn a certain amount of stars depending on how good you do. YOu must earn a certain number of stars before you can earn the next movie. Now this makes the game fly at the beginning but then when you get to the end, it really slows things down, but never fear THQ and Paradigm thought about that. Instead of having to play the same mission over and over again, the single player also offers things like commercials and areana challenges for you to star in, which are a nice change of pace from playing the same movie scene over and over again.

THe movies in this game are quite memerable, and each one has a certain stunt that you will most likely remember either for its sheer awesomeness or because it took so damn long for you to do. Now the game is not as difficult as the original, but it still has its moments where you will want to chuck your controller at the wall. There are times when you will yell out "What? I was close to that explosion. Grr now i have to start all over!!"

Hands down the coolest addition would be the ability to string together stunts, as this is the only way that you can get a five star rating, you have to string the whole scene. It makes things a lot more challenging and if you are playing a very easy scene it makes things a lot more fun actually. I will say though that I found stringing scenes to be a lot easier with a bike than I did with a car, mainly because you can wheelie everywhere.

Stuntman Ignition offers what seems to be an extensive multiplayer mode, but when I logged on, it seemed as if no one was online playing this game, which is really a shame because I can see how this game would have an awesome multiplayer. If you can find people though my guess is that it would be really fun, my apologizes to those looking for a rundown of the multiplayer.

Stuntman Ignition features great graphics and a decent soundtrack. The graphics are very very good when playing the game on an HDTV. The cars shine and the explosions look absolutely amazing. The soundtrack on the other hand could use some work. The music is quite good as they did a great job making tracks that fit the movie that you are currently working on. The thing that brings the sound down is the voice overs. The directors will drive you nuts as well as the guys giving you advice before the scenes.

If you are a fan of the original or someone who just wants to know what Stuntman is all about than by all means pick up this game. If you simply cannot handle the trial and error gameplay than stay far far away from this game. Other than that though I found Stuntman Ignition to be a very good time on my Xbox 360.