A complete disappointment, I can't play it for even 10 minutes! Do not buy this game!

User Rating: 1 | Stuntman: Ignition PS2
I never were attracted to any of the stuntman games (could have been hundreds of releases and new versions, and I still wouldn't notice or seem to care). However, the christmass holiday called for a special ps2 game that was fun to play with 2 or more people. So I went out to seek Timesplitters Future Perfect, in which off course, I failed to find. Then I found out that this game had a 2 player mode and an party mode that supported 8 players.

So an hour ago, I bought it, and 20 minutes ago, I started it. The first thing I noticed that the intro movie looks more like an advertise movie as you would see on television. Probably was anyway. I also thought at first that Stuntman was in the hands of Atari and Reflections, to me, famous for creating the great Driver series. But when I removed the sticker from the box when I wasn't paying much attention at the cheesy video intro, I saw that this game was made by THQ, which made some decent pc games, and the very little famous, Saints Row (a crap Grand Theft Auto ripoff anyway). My hope was dying away because of this developer which reminded me so much about to hyped up games.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the main menu popped up. Looked alright, but there weren't any screen options to adjust, which was very lame. I never ever needed to adjust the screen position in games, unless a game didn't have the option that could do it.

When I went for a little spin, I noticed that not only the handling of the cars was boring, also the whole style and atmos of the game, it didn't looked exciting as it should be. What supposed to be an erupting vulcano as a level was like a fire cracker at mile distance. What was making it worse was the frustrating director that talked you in to certain lame moves that weren't really exciting and that I always saw and heared too late anyways.

So, I pressed the quit button and hopped the game over to the multiplayer mode, which was the main reason why I bought it anyways. And the multiplayer would be as complicated as the single player, only that you'd have to wait every stunt that the players do, what looked like almost day compared at the party game like singstar or flatout 2. Those games are made for it too, easy to pick up and play. Also you shouldn't have to unlock it by playing singleplayer (it wouldn't even cross my mind even if I was so bored). Stuntman Ignition has neither of these.

It''s simply a too hyped game. But this hyped up game is different, this game hasn't got a single point that you would like. Don't even look at this game, please! if you see it in a store, try to hide it by putting a different game in front of it. You'll help the game world making it a better place!