Fast and furious, loud and hot, big and bold, fun and glorious, you will have a blast playing Stuntman.

User Rating: 8 | Stuntman: Ignition X360
This game is similar to skateboarding in the fact that once you try a line of stunts, if you don't make it or don't make it as good as you want, you can keep trying again until you nail it. There'a alot of trial and error. The good thing which I love is that when you have to restart your run, the load time is near instantaneous and that's a BIG bonus. You are the stunt man in the movies. There's a few different movies going on and the better you do, you can get hired on new films. I really like this game because it has a bit of everything. Racing, skill, timing. Motorcycles and cars. The stunts are amazing. The graphics are great. Personally I've had alot of fun with this game.

This game will test your skill. You will be put to the test. And you will have to go through all kinds of crazy stunts to get through this game. I was a little cautious about getting this game because I had never played anything like this and it just seemed iffy. But I was GREATLY surprised. It's very fun and entertaining and definitely worth checking out.