My first experience playing a "Stuntman" game, this wont be my last.

User Rating: 7 | Stuntman: Ignition X360
This review is coming from a 13 year old.

This game, looked very appealing to me. When I first saw the trailer, I was thinking, "cars, explosions, stunts!" what a perfect combination. Here is what I thought.

They were good. I thought the explosions were very well done, lighting on cars were above par. Though, everything looks glossy. The destruction effects on all the objects was well done, the physics were very realistic aswell.

Sound: Not so good. The car and dirtbike sounds in my opinion were bad. I ride a 2 Stroke 80CC Honda dirtbike, and it sounded nothing like a dirtbike. The cars sounded like rubbish. The explosion sounds were decent, not amazing, but not polished.

Gameplay: If you are a perfectionist, this game will keep you lasting for a long time. To get a full combo "string" on a 5 minute run is very hard, takes alot of practice. This game is VERY hard. Do not play this game, if you just came back from your nephews house playing "Cars". The main objective of the game is complete a stunt run. While you are driving, some stunt icons appear, such as "180 turn" which at that icon, you would do the corresponding stunt. The stunts are actually quite easy to do, as they are not right after another which gives to time and prepare for it. You can also add in your own mini stunts (drifting, hitting stuff) to keep your combo meter running. At the end of each run, you get rated on a 5 star rating system. To get 5 stars, you need to " full combo " the whole entire run, or in the game they call "stringing it" it is very difficult at times to do this. In my opinion, I think it's a very unique idea for a game, and they pulled it off quite alright, it was very entertaining to play, but also fustrating to string some of those runs. If you are an achievement addict like myself, this game will keep you occupied for a long time.

Final Verdict:

If you have alot of patience and love destruction and cars, get this game, you wont be dissapointed. If you like fast, simple racing games such as "Cars" or the classic "Cruz' N' USA", this might be a little tough for you.

Game Ratings:

Graphics: 8
Sound: 6.5
Gameplay: 7.5
Difficulty Curve: 3 (Very hard)


gamertag: pvt hushburn