I guess this game has to grow on you, I hated it at first but now it's a game I'd love to see made into a Stuntman 3!

User Rating: 9 | Stuntman: Ignition PS2
Ok I'm editing my review....

At first the game was annoying and hard. After I got further in the game it got so much better! This game just has to grow on you.

Let me tell you, those movie trailers are AWESOME!!! I watched the night avenger one like 6 times! They should have made a deluxe version that you could buy where it comes with like 3 more CD's that have the hole movies on them! I'd watch night avenger and probably most of the others.

One great addition to this game is multiclash! Who new doing stunts in 2 player was so fun? It's fun racing and doing stunts at the same time, then you can hit your opponent to steal their points! How fun is that!

The only thing I think was horribly made was the free constructor. WHERE"S THE SOUND EFFECTS!?!? That could have had some more work.

This is a great game that just needs time to be good. Although playing the levels over and over to get it right is annoying.