Neeads Some work but underrated

User Rating: 8.3 | Stronghold Legends PC
First off i don't agree with the o the gameplays bad yotta yotta. Its addicting sure some new units would be nice and the Archers use a longbow with bodkin arrows and can't pierce armor. The new units added are a nice concept. Some bad dialog Vlad is my ally right in skirmish mode his facial expretion is he's scared he says o no I'm under attack or some thing like that the point he said it all casual.

Gameplay:I don't like the campaign because I think its lame and is to dark on my computer. The Skirmish is fun. Seriously 4 players is a little low i preffer 8 players but hey whatever works. It's still additive. Playing as Arthur is ok in skirmish but he just has the Knights merlin and a dragon. Ok you may think yeah dragon cool. If the aren't killed by 10 archers you lose them in like a minute because the have a time limite you can use them. There attack is not what would be expected either. Oh yeah i have not encountered any gliches like troops not responding. I updated the thing and it wroks a ok. The cretures are great. Some new castle tricks and yes Magic. New Siege equipment makes attacking interesting. O yeah your enemies do notice you on mine I had a Man-at-arms(spearman) being chased by some swordsmen they noticed right away. Although the AI somtimes don't react right away they react. Audio: Lame at times bad. Bad dialog on part of the AI. But troops have Chants. I sent maceman men at some enemies and they sang "Here we go Here we gooooo!" It was funny. Graphics: Don't listen to gamespot the grapihcs are improved. Much not much but improved. On my computer the guys no longer have Packers Cheeseheads for(you guessed it) heads. You troops also have a face(amazing) It not a great face but i can see eyes and a mouth its not burry anymore. The bodies are a little more realistic from were the game got left of. Building look good. So to finish up this game is great if you like Stronghold with old Folklore Creatures and people. GAMESPOT DID NOT GIVE THIS GAME A DECENT RATING.