Stronghold 3 is a complete FIASCO

User Rating: 2 | Stronghold 3 PC
Disclaimer:This review is entirely based upon my own opinion and thoughts.I do not intend to violate any gamespot rules or offend other users.You dont have to agree with that review if u dont want to

There is honestly nothing much to say about the new stronghold 3 so i'll go quick on reviewing it.Bottomline:Stronghold 3 is a colossal disappointment for the die hard fans who have been waiting for this game for almost 7 years.Instead of improving and building on what made the original so successful they take many steps backward.First of all let me be very specific Firefly did release their game incomplete(tat was obvious)with a price tag of 1 would imagine of high profile titles like call of duty or Bethesda "Elder scrolls" series(i regret each single penny that i lost).The game is broken full of Bugs,unplayable,extremely tiny map and CAN U BELIEVE IT THE SKIRMISH MODE IS GONE..SIGH! I seriously think what Firefly was thinking while omitting those features in the game...GRAPHICS are the worst part...extremely dated graphics(of one you'd imagine back in 2002)...An imcomplete and incompetant product for 50$(seriousy guys i threw my money off)........STROGHOLD 3 IS A COMPLETE FIASCO