This is a product that should have been tested a lot more, what it does, it does so with lots of terrain and AI bugs.

User Rating: 4 | Stronghold 3 PC
I have been trying to play the both the military and economic campaigns and it hurts to deal with the Unit pathing, terrain bugs and AI combat behavior. I tell them to go to aggressive stance, and they stand there and let enemies walk right by them with no action. The Lord get stuck if he is on a wall. Men-at-arms are throwing spears through castle walls. Units get stuck on the ladder or when you tell them to climb the wall, or they stand there. The cursor is always off when you try to select a unit and the list goes on and on.

The cut scene window of drawings looks more like they had this intention of doing real cut scenes, but decided to go with just showing the story boards instead of actual imagery and it looks sad.

This was not ready for release and frankly that kind of slipshod testing/development behavior in the gaming industry mostly died in the 90s and should have remained dead. Firefly should be ashamed of the quality of what they released especially for $60.