Great strategy game. Ideal for people that like to take their time and make tactical decisions.

User Rating: 9.5 | Stronghold 2 PC
Although I have not played any of the previous games in the Stronghold series, I do feel that Stronghold 2 is a very good game. I personally haven't experienced any technical problems with the game, although I did only purchase it about six months ago, so perhaps i have an updated version with the patches already included or something.

The campaign games are very good with reasonably challenging tasks. in fact, the game is great because it isn't just about commanding an army and attacking opponents (although you can just do that if you want to), you also have to build up your economy, by building farms to feed the peasants, that are the foundations of your economy, you need wood cutters, iron miners and stone miners, in order to build structures, or perhaps to be used for different things such as making weapons and protection for your military.

Then you need to enforce law and order on your citizens and build courtrooms and an array of medieval punishments. Then you need to make sure there aren't too many rats running around and that there isn't too much 'Gong' making the place very unpleasant, and there's a lot more stuff to do too. If anything is left out, your economy would simply crumble as peasants would just leave.

To finish off, I found that the graphics were quite good, and anyone who complains that they were rubbish, obviously doesn't realise the true purpose of the game. Strategy games don't need to have fantastic graphics to make the game good, they need more than that, they need to make you think about what you are doing and what you could do and fantastic graphics should be seen as an extra, a bonus.