This is how a castle building sim should look!!

User Rating: 9.2 | Stronghold 2 PC
This is far more than a real-time strategy game and really fed my need for economics. This game has it all and more. The new 3D buildings in the game are massive and impressive. With Zoom feature you can really get a grasp of whats going on inside your community. Some of the actions peons take are quite humorous. Graphics and sound are solid and I could find little fault with either. The combat has been redone perfectly and the battles seemed exteamly large! I always feel like im on that fine line of control vs out of control. Which is really where I like to feel in this type of game, borderline chaos. One new feature I like is the real need for seige equipment now that infantry units can no longer damage your stone walls. This was a real pet peeve of mine in the original series. The control of your peasants has become more of a challenge and if you let your guard down they'll be stealing from your stockpile. This can become a real challenge when your in a skirmish with a bordering enemy.