Being a strong believer in historical accuracy, it is rather difficult to review this game.

User Rating: 8.9 | Strikers 1945 II PS
I'm your typical wargamer. I just want to make that clear from the start. I play with little soldiers and want them to be 100% accurate. If I make a mistake painting them, I start again. Hours of work, gone. In a flash. As such, it's become rather difficult in recent years for me to appreciate things as much as I could, due to me wanting historical accuracy.

And that's where the problems begin. Anyway, this game involves you picking a fighter from a selection of various nationalities. There's a P-38 Lightining, a "Flying Pancake" (I've never heard of that) a Focke-Wulfe (On the same side as the Lightning?), Two presumambly Japanese fighters and a De-Haviland Mosquito. Nice little selection. Once you've chosen your fighter you begin the game. You have to destroy some form of Nazi Super-Weapon.

Hang on a second.

This is Strikers 1945. II Not any other year, 1945. When Germany was on its last legs. It was defeated in 1945. This aspect of the game is wrong.

Anyway, to get to the boss, you must progress through the level. Every level is the same idea. It's a fasted paced top-down shooter in the vain of Swiv and Ikagura (Or however you spell it) there is many enemies to defeat. On the Nazi team, against your plane are P-51 Mustangs...

Yep, again, historical accuracy fault. Last time I checked the P-51 was an AMERICAN plane. To quote from "Empire of the Sun" "Cadillac of the Sky" Not "Volkswagen or Porche of the Sky"

The Nazis also have a various range of bombers, doodlebugs, and Panzers (Although, they are Panzer 1s. Obsolete by 1939).

Now, what would any top-down shooter be without over-the-top specials? As different planes, you get different specials, although the most memorable ones must be the Focke-Wulf's V10 Rocket and one of the Japanese plane's Giant Bomber that blows up everything.

On the subject of bosses, they generaly, follow the same kind of pattern. They all have three sections, they all fill the screen and the last section of each boss turns into a robot with a mind of its own.

*Family Fortunes EEH-UUH* Wrong. Robotics was in rather a primitive state in 1945. What could be called the first computer had only just been invented.

However, this website is not called HistoricalAccuracySpot (What kind of website would that be?) so I'll drop the historical accuracy crap now.

Graphics- 6/10- Wouldn't look out of place on a SNES. Colourful, but that's it. The fonts for the Plane selection screen are Microsoft ones from WordArt. Tacky or what?

Gameplay- 10/10- Fun, Fun and more Fun.

Sound- 5/10- Annoying soundtrack, but decent FX

Value- 10/10 You'll play it a lot. With 3 different modes (Incluing one where the screen is horizontal, but the controls remain the same) it's well worth however much you paid for it

Strikers 1945 II is one of those games where you can't describe the fun. Like Mario. It looks crap. You have to play it before you realise how fun it actually is. With its screen filling and faced pased action, Strikers 1945 II has one the day.