The Last of Sega's Greatest Beat 'Em Up & It Definitely Is the Best in the Series Real Score: 9.4

User Rating: 9.5 | Bare Knuckle III GEN
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 7
Sound: 8
Value: 10
Tilit: 10
Streets of Rage 3 is the end of what we know as one of the greatest beat 'em up games ever created. Featuring the past characters of Axel, Blaze, Skate, but this time there is no Max. Instead of Max, there is a robotic arm man named Dr. Zan. Also, there are two hidden characters, Shiva, who has the fastest attacks and punches and the longest reach. The other hidden character, which is my favorite out of all the characters, is a kangaroo who wears boxing gloves, named Roo. There are 8, extremely fun, levels and main bosses. During some of the levels you will battle it out with 3 mini bosses that can be somewhat difficult. Moreover,you will find the same weapons as SoR2 and the same "finishing moves" for the characters seen before. Overall, Streets of Rage 3 is the end of my all-time favorite beat 'em up game and also the end of one of my favorite Sega Genesis games. And as I said for SoR 2, to get the most out of this game, I highly recommend you play it with others.