..A definite must play for people who enjoy and watch And 1 street hoops...

User Rating: 8 | Street Hoops XBOX
When I bought this game I really thought it was a good game. I mean its kind of harsh to give this game a 4.5 if you are not a fan of street hoops. I watch the And 1 Street Team all the time and they replicated the moves they do on the show really good. I also thought that the soundtrack was very good as well. Although the graphics might not be the best in the world or maybe just because theres a lot of no name people on there it turns the games value down a notch. I totally disagree. This game has all real courts and they are like that in real life. I liked the king of the court feature and how you had to earn respect to get any further in the game. I really liked how you could dress your guy up in real designer clothes. This is something that you could not do in the NBA Street games that were out at the time. I dont know how everyone else feels about this game, but i really enjoyed it and I really wish they could make a sequel to get some credibility back from some of the fans that watch the show.