Waste of money

User Rating: 1 | Street Fighter IV X360
Okay, prepare for a well written review. The game it self is nice, the graphics, the gameplay, and who doesn't like competitive edge? Well all this may be a cover act for the horrible A.I.

1st. They repeat most of the moves which is completely cheap and stupid.. Why should i spend more then 2 3 hours tryng to beat one character and then move on to the next one with the same EXACT behavior. Let's not talk about SETH... I mean seriously?

Not even on Very easy isn't good enough..? Seriously Capcom? Next game please make it accessible for all players.

2. Blocking...? Well everyone knows you need to learn to block or you will be destroyed.. The blocking is complete crap.. Why couldn't it be made with a better system like Mortal Kombat? Slightly pushing back on the controlstick fails to block most of the time... I know let's back up the character so he/she can get hit more..

3. Online.. It's laggy and pretty slow, Most connections will show you an error stating " Unable to connect" K well im sure it's not Xbox Live's fault...

I rest my case