Cheap AI ruins this game. This game is just living off of its name "Street Fighter". It lives off nostalgia.

User Rating: 6 | Street Fighter IV X360
First off the graphics are great, players look nice, kind of an oldschool look but with high definition and beautiful colors. The fighting stages are also done nicely.
You have a roster of players from all Street Fighter games, like Bison, Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Viper. Some of these characters are very cheap to play as though, like Blanka. He has an electric shock move that requires you to just tap the punch button, making you almost invincible. Bisons sliding kick can also be abused.
Now for the main problem that DESTROYS this game.......the CPU A.I. Now, I'm all for a good challenge, but this game is rediculous! The CPU resorts to cheap tactics such as using the same attack again and again and again. They also cancel out your moves to do thier own at times. Sometimes you even do a move that will go through the CPU fighter but not cause it damage.
Unless you practice ALOT at this game and become a master, you will not beat the story mode on medium/normal difficulty or above because of the cheap tactics that the CPU throws at you. And if you manage to get to Seth (final boss who can do many of the other fighters' attacks) you probably wont beat him. He has a very cheap punch that reaches across the screen which is hard to avoid, he also does Hidukkens, teleports, and a move where he sucks you towards him and curls you into a ball and shoots you across the screen which takes massive amounts of damage. Fighting Abel, Zangief, E. Hunda and Rufus is very frustrating since they abuse thier grab moves that take alot of damage. They will execute these grabs anytime you come within arms reach of them. I know its a move in a fighting game so you outta use it but the CPU abuses them way too much. I wouldnt reccomend anyone buying this game, I'm dissapointed I got it, at least it was cheap because it was used.