One of the worst games I have played in a long time.

User Rating: 2 | Street Fighter IV X360
When I bought the game all I heard was a bunch of praise on how good it was so I decided to go and try it. When I got home and put in the game and started playing I started thinking why the hell are people saying this game is good. The first problem I had with it was that the controls were horrible and another problem was that the computer AI is just plain cheap one time I went on the easiest setting just to learn to play better and the computer opponent used the same move the whole match and I couldn't touch them so after that fight I took the disc out and the next day I took IT to Gamestop and traded it in for unreal 3 which I had a much better time playing. The only good thing I saw in this worthless game was the graphics which were really good and that the only reason I didn't give this game a 1.