I'm not a big fan of fighting games but this game sucked me in.

User Rating: 8.5 | Street Fighter IV PC
I've been playing video games for many years. And in those years, I've always hated fighting games. I just hate memorizing those moves. Like... X+Y+L+R+... ugh.. never mind. Sometimes, I just randomly bash buttons... and there you go. K.O.! Pure luck if I get a Perfect win. When I first bought my PC, SF4 was pre-installed. I didn't bother playing it. By the time I was sick of looking at the icon in my desktop, I decided to give it a try. And... Wow. Just pure WOW. I loved IT!
The first thing I loved about this game was the cell-shaded graphics. Not too real, not too cartoony, but definitely eye-popping. The sound was good. The BGMs are not bad, too. Voice acting isn't my type. But it ain't that bad. Gameplay is great. With the different modes, you'll never get tired of playing over and over again. Online mode is really competitive and fun. Most of the times, I don't play the Arcade mode anymore. Human players give so much thrill, believe me.
BUT! There's always a but, huh? Anyways, you'll find this game pretty difficult without a gamepad. This game was the reason why I bought a gamepad! But thankfully, it paid off pretty well. I can now kick some serious butt. No more easy modes!
Overall: You'll find this game unforgiving without a gamepad. So buy one if you want to play it! Trust me.