Street Fighter III sucks.

User Rating: 5 | Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future PS2
I love Street Fighter. I love Street Fighter II and the Alpha series -- especially the Alpha series. It is for this very reason that I hate Street Fighter III.

Why? It's not a Street Fighter game. The circus characters are absolutely retarded. The music is terrible (what is this rap **** Where are my favorite characters? Instead of Guile, I get some clowny emo Frenchie with blue hair and limp wrists. Instead of M. Bison I get some Patriots fan in a thong wearing a Dolly Parton wig. WTF?

Oh, and you gotta love parrying. Gotta love how it reduces the game to nothing but footsies and Super Art setups. Not only boring to watch, but boring to play. They should call this game Street Fighter YAWN.

I own this game. I tried to like this game. I played it for weeks, desperately trying to like this game. But I couldn't. I couldn't do it. I could NOT do it. It's nothing but a big diarrhea mess, I'd rather gargle vomit than play this game.

I just needed to get this off my chest because I am tired of hearing Street Fighter fanboys afraid to criticize Capcom saying that SFIII is the best in 2D fighting. What a joke.