The most popular fighiting franchise comes with a anniversary collection including it's best games!

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Fighter Anniversary Collection PS2
Hi It's Axelander999 with a new review. This time I will review Street Fighter Anniversary collection fo the PS2. I made this review on September 20 2008. A day earlier I just bought from my local videogame shop this game, because I saw on the cover box one of the two games, which I really wanted to play, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Fight for Future. I really like this game! I only played it before once, if I remeber correctly, on December 25 2005, at one of my friend's PS2. I loved it! Now back to our game. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection includes : Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Fight for Future, and Hyper Street Fighter II. Hyper Street Fighter II also includes all the characters and speeds from Street Fighter 2, Street Figther 2 Champions' Edition, Sreet Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Street Fighter 2 and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. 5 games. Alot! Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike is a hard game for newcomers, and even for experienced players, but no problem, because you can set your difficulty. Excuse me, it is a problem, because if you put the game on easy, it's not that big difference. Well Hyper Street Fighter 2 is the big son of a **** because even if you choose the difficulty, the speed, the game, your opponent has it's difficulty or speed (game isn't important) randomly. Damn, that's a pain in the neck! That's all I can say about this game, or these games, or.... I don't know how to call it, or them... Nothing hasn't changed on thhose two games. The graphics are the same, teh sound effects are the same, the moves are the same, everything it's the same. I give it a 9.5. Good: Almost everything! Bad: difficulty :(... This was a review by Axelander999, I say goodbye to you and see ya in the next review!